
The Atari Landfill has more than just E.T. within its mythical depths..

Alamogordo, New Mexico.

While the name of the town or really, its location won’t likely resonate to your average joe, most of us in the gaming space know it as the infamous dump site of Atari’s most notable failure– E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial.

Recently, An archaeological team led by Andrew Reinhardt led the expedition to the famed dig site, where a considerable amount of shrapnel besides that of the alien’s failure was found.

To the surprise of pretty much….we don’t know, anyone born post-NES era who has been telling the story since childhood(?!), the actual number of E.T. copies found was a pretty long shot from the rumored 4 million+ buried three decades ago. In actuality, Seven hundred, or roughly two percent of the total alleged Excavated Terrestrials were unearthed at the site, along with other fan favorites and culture staples.  This includes Ms. Pac-Man, Asteroids, Defender, Centipede, and of course, Space Invaders.

It also occurred with Burning Man happening literally right next door.

Link for this fantastic story can be found below.

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InfernalPenguins are resilient beings who waddle through life with a sense of wonder and unshakable humor, despite their chthonic beginnings.

They are frequently found obsessively pouring through the latest in games, tv, film and culture with a glee only possessed by children and flightless birds. This is where they share their journey through this strange world.