He'll be back.

Nintendo @ E3 2014: Reggie, Where have you been?


In recent times, it seems to be  the mantra of the once-powerhouse developer Nintendo, who previously, exclusively, and passionately used to cater to their (hard)core fans.

The resounding phenomenon that was the Wii threw a bit of a wrench into this, and Nintendo’s insular, inclusive attitude was only boosted by the notion of mainstream success….at the cost of their core audience. As they slipped further and further from hardcore consciousness, it seemed as if they’d honestly lost their edge, at least, in this writer’s eyes. Reggie was no longer kicking ass. Nintendo wanted me to work out, and saying things like “Play it Loud” only make me show my age as a gamer. The Nintendo that used to come out swinging was long gone.

So if you, like me, scoffed when Nintendo started doing  “Nintendo Direct” videos, and took their shunning of the E3 culture to be yet another step into oblivion, you’re in for a treat.

Not since the earlier days of “Genesis Does” marketing  have I seen Nintendo so in touch with an audience they seem to have lost long ago. If the canny video above proves anything, they do still care about their audience, even if there seems to be a bit of confusion as to what users actually want out of them on a hardware level.

But hey, Reggie’s back.

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InfernalPenguins are resilient beings who waddle through life with a sense of wonder and unshakable humor, despite their chthonic beginnings.

They are frequently found obsessively pouring through the latest in games, tv, film and culture with a glee only possessed by children and flightless birds. This is where they share their journey through this strange world.